Den eine av dei to platene MML speler inn i april er vår solotubaist Joseph Cook si nye soloplate. Her skriv han litt om denne.
"It's been 9 years since my last solo CD with Black Dyke under Professor Nicholas Childs, so I'm really excited to have the opportunity to do another with Manger Musikklag and Allan Withington.

My intention of the CD is to feature as much original music as possible, as well as some less well known pieces to the general public that I have enjoyed playing and think a general audience would enjoy. The centre piece of the CD is a recent work by the great Derek Bourgeois, his Second Tuba Concerto, written in 2015. This will be the piece's first commercial studio recording with Brass Band. I wanted to feature some new works for the CD, with new works specially written for the CD by Norwegian Composer and Eikanger-Bjørsvik percussionist Fredrick Schjelderup and British Composer and former Black Dyke percussionist Simon Oliver. They really embraced the task of writing for tuba and I'm really pleased with the results. Both composers have really bright futures ahead of them, and I'm sure people will love their compositions. Other pieces are ones I've enjoyed playing over the years, such as Roger Payne's tuba quartet "Suite in Blue" and a beautiful arrangement of "Nature Boy" that Manger's own Tina Kvamme beautifully arranged for SIDDIS 2015, and a piece called "The Dancing King" by the American composer Jesse Ayers. It's been an enjoyable process preparing for the CD, and of course a pleasure working with my band colleagues at Manger Musikklag. I'd like to thank in advance those who have made the CD possible. The support of Geneva Group, whose instruments I play exclusively, Fredrick, Simon and Tina for their compositions, Allan for his direction of the project, and of course that most amazing group of talented and committed musicians, who I'm lucky enough to call my friends, Manger Musikklag."
Denne plata vert lansert i løpet av hausten 2017, og kan då kjøpast anten via vår nettbutikk eller på konsertane våre.